2020 · Poster, animations · Het Nieuwe Instituut · A0 · Silkscreen by Kees Maas, animation by Moniker
Graphic designer Richard Niessen
mail@richard-niessen.nl · +31(0)20 66 33 323 · +31(0)6 24 27 22 41
hemispheres:two hemispheres as fans, made out of strips that contain a variation of images: the graphic design thus becomes a layered platform for the plurality that the project advocates: you can find 1. The letter A of the 'Romain du Roi', the ultimate example of typography in the Age of Enlightment, the result of rational design: the letter shapes were completely designed on a grid; 2. A Taoist magic diagram, a magical use of calligraphy, in this case the talisman symbolizes Earth; 3. A section of a tree root and 4. The map of Chicago.