Graphic designer Richard Niessen · +31(0)20 66 33 323 · +31(0)6 24 27 22 41
Graphic designer Richard Niessen · +31(0)20 66 33 323 · +31(0)6 24 27 22 41
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JUNE 29 2023

During the month of June in 2023, the multidisciplinary summer festival Canaux, Pays Bas x Pays-Noir took place in Charleroi. The program explored contemporary ways in which we can connect with each other and connected Dutch makers to Charleroi's cultural field.
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JUNE 18 2023

From 22 April until 18 June 2023 Graphic Matters presented the exhibition 'The Palace of Typographic Masonry in the Grote Kerk Breda'. The main part of this exhibition is the 26-piece chest of drawers designed by Richard Niessen (i.c.w. Lowies van Zanen) that was on display in Turin in 2021. Each ingeniously unfolding drawer represents a space of the infinite building. 
MAY 20 2023

The Windy Wooh Partycrasher, a performance by Hewald Jongenelis and Sylvie Zijlmans on Zeeburgereiland.
MARCH 30 2023

There are several artists comprising 'Jacno': the typographer, the lover of beautiful letters, the illustrator of alphabets; the poster artist; the designer; the graphic artist, desginer of the layout of L’Observateur, France soir, of the banner headline of the reviews Ici Paris, Radar and Détective, and book covers for famous publishing houses. 20 European designers were given the opportunity to create a poster in resonance with Marcel Jacno's inimitable work. On display from 5  to 25 July in several French art schools.

The Windy Wooh. Performance and afterparty by Hewald Jongenelis and Sylvie Zijlmans at Zuiderzeeweg 30, Zeeburgereiland. 
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FEBRUARY 14 2022

After receiving over 60
portfolios in response to the Open Call for a new visual identity of the IABR, an independent jury
commissioned five different graphic design studios. Considering selection criteria – quality, innovation, uniqueness, creativity and practicability – the jury decided my ‘inspirational and
thought-provoking proposal’ (solidified in this poster printed by Kees Maas) stood out.
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MAY 22 2021

Het Nieuwe Instituut, commissioner of the Dutch pavilion for the 17th International Architecture Exhibition â€“ La Biennale di Venezia, presents the Netherlands' official contribution to the biennale: 'Who is We?'. Richard Niessen designed the visual identity and collaborated with rndr on the 'digital exhibition'.
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MAY 19 2021

Since not everyone can visit the infinite building of The Palace of Typographic Masonry, this delegation of 26 cases curated and designed by Richard Niessen provides insight to the expanding collaborative project. The arrangement includes more than 150 collected works on display and over 25 commissioned contributions reflecting on a wide range of aspects of the profession of graphic design, in the form of books, video’s, cardsets, maps, posters, signposts, stencils or building kits.
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NOVEMBER 23 2020

Phantom Spoon, a cooperation by Ã…bäke and Jon Sueda. A section of Idea magazine #391 printed in clear varnish on gloss white paper highlighting the scores of graphic design events, biennials, exhibitions and book fairs that were mowed over by COVID-19, followed by a 2-color index to all of the events that never happened, including the ‘Who is we?’ poster I designed for the Venice Biennial. 
OCTOBER 19 2020

Palace posters being part of TYPE TEXT, a Typographic Exhibition at Galeria FF, Imaginarium, Łódź (PL) from  1 to 15 October 2020.
AUGUST 11 2020

My SNCF poster from 2008 is part of the exhibition Locomotions 1.5 at le Signe in Chaumont (FR). This new selection from the rich collection of old and contemporary
posters of the city of Chaumont questions the mobility of today. Scénographie by Pernelle Poyet.
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MAY 24 2020

Last week Kees Maas printed this poster I designed for 'Who is We?' (the Dutch contribution to the 17th International Architecture Exhibition of La Biennale di Venezia) in silver, black, fluorescent orange and green.
FEBRUARY 28 2020

My SNCF poster is part of the exhibition Das Plakat (28.2. to 20.9.20) in Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe Hamburg.
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FEBRUARY 26 2020

Many important artists and graphic artists have translated their views on the February strike over the years. What inspired Richard Niessen to make the poster? "I am inspired by the (climate) strikes and that people are finally making their voices heard again on the street and dare to be 'disobedient'. I wanted to bring back something of protest and handwriting, especially the question 'What are we doing !?'. I tried everything with hand lettering, from my children, from neighbors, but in the end I chose a font, the Greta Grotesk, based on the handwriting of Greta Thunberg'.
DECEMBER 12 2019

'Beyond Quilting' was a research program of Quilt Culture, a social and cultural initiative in Pune, India. Quilt Culture researched new applications for an ancient Indian tradition: artisanal quilting. Quilt Culture invited three Dutch designers for this purpose: Mae Engelgeer, Simone Post and Richard Niessen. During a two-week workshop in November 2019, they worked together with Indian designers Uma Prajapati, Karishma Shahani and Rucha Kulkarni and thirty textile workers with knowledge of the craft

For the first time after ending our collaboration as Golden Masters, Harmen Liemburg and me are exhibiting together at the Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe in Hamburg: All-over – Neues Grafikdesign aus den Niederlanden, September 13, 2019 – January 5, 2020
MAY 16 2019

Fonds International d’Objets Imprimés de Petite Taille, is currently presented until the 15th of June in Le Havre (France) and Ghent (Belgium) until the middle of July.
MARCH 16 2019

'Nomadic Traces: Journeys of Arabian Scripts' explores the role that scripts have played in defining and preserving the cultural identity of past and present civilizations, and on the migrational and
transformative nature of writing, and its ability to freely cross borders and cultures.
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Issues of 1:1:1, The Palace of Typographic Masonry, Droomintendant, Vouwblad, Dotted Lines are part of the exhibition «Ce n’est pas la taille qui compte», in Maison d’art Bernard Anthonioz, 13 septembre - 16 décembre 2018. The exhibition is made by François Havegeer & Sacha Léopold (Syndicat) and Quentin Schmerber with (great) scenography by  Pernelle Poyet. Photo: Aurlien Mole.
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JUNE 20 2018

24.05.2018 – 8.08.2018 'Gemaakt in Nederland' Poster Design The Netherlands, Novy Museum, St.Petersburg, Russia
MAY 26 2018

From Friday, October 7, 2016–Sunday, February 19, 2017, amidst this widespread public interest in the new frontiers of design, the San Jose Museum of Art presented the exhibition Beauty—Cooper Hewitt Design Triennial. The exhibition comprises 280 works by fifty-seven international, cutting-edge designers from twenty-seven countries, including Australia, Brazil, China, Germany, Iran, Italy, Mexico, The Netherlands, South Africa, South Korea, Sweden, and the United States. 

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MAY 26 2018

The book and the poster are two popular media for graphic designers. When they meet, the question arises of the representation of the book.

Exhibitions of book designers, trade fairs and trade shows are all possible answers to this question. This theme is the opportunity for Morgane Rebulard and Colin Caradec, founders of "The Shelf Journal", a magazine on the graphics of books, to gather a series of posters by international graphic designers.

This exhibition will feature a series of posters by Gunter Rambow (DE) and a selection of posters designed by different graphic artists such as: Philippe Apeloig (FR), Sándor Ék (HUN), Experimental Jetset (NL), Gérard Ifert (FR) , Na Kim (KR), Josef Müller-Brockmann (CH), Richard Niessen (NL), Andrzej Nowaczyk (PL), Ikko Tanaka (JP).
APRIL 28 2018

14 Silkscreen warriors from the Merz Academy in Stuttgart where I did a workshop together with the print master Joachim Herter.
MARCH 13 2018

Last friday  a group of 14 master students from Boston University (doing the 2 week COMA program in The Netherlands) built a Temple of the Future in Nautilus' common space.
MARCH 03 2018

The long awaited greetings of Lezard Graphique. Fanette Mellier coordinated a surprise cover in which you find original creations of Richard Niessen, Mathias Schweizer, Grégoire Romanet and Betty Bone, Helmo, Henning Wagenbreth, ter Bekke & Behage, Anette Lenz, Gavillet & cie, Pierre di Sciullo, Vincent Perrottet and Formes Vives!
Silkscreen, between 6 and 12 colors, on cardboard cut 2 mm.
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MARCH 03 2018

Last week I gave a workshop in Den Bosch called 'Graphic Polyphony'. The end result was a variety of more than 160 posters creating a multi vocal campaign poster wall.
FEBRUARY 22 2018

Wendy’s Subway presents the Reading Room at Bard Graduate Center to promote engagement with artists’ books, periodicals, and other
publications selected for their relationship to the spring exhibitions and public programs. The Reading Room will open to the public Thursday February, 22 from 6-8 pm, and thereafter during regular gallery hours until July 8. 
NOVEMBER 09 2017

This friday opens an overview exhibition of the posters of Ralph Schraivogel in Le Signe in Chaumont, France. To be used as a guide in the exhibition and as a souvenir to take home every visitor gets this fan for free (!). It shows the range of the work of Ralph Schraivogel, focusses on the details of his work by showing a part of each of the 62 posters in almost real size and gives a little background information to the exhibition without disturbing it. And it's a fan made by a fan.
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NOVEMBER 03 2017

From Aztec to Xia-xia and from Arabic to Zapotec: 45 different writing systems come together in 'The Labyrinth of the Scripts'. A game-like installation that forms a new part in 'The Palace of Typographic Masonry', a new institute as a plea for the wealth and diversity of the graphical languages. 'The Labyrinth of Scripts' opens with a presentation by Dirk van Weelden.
OCTOBER 18 2017

At the Tijdelijk Museum you can create your won alfabet with this toolkit consisting of the elements that make up Ge'ez, Latin and Arabic.
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MAY 30 2017

After 'The Masonic Lobby' 'The Asemic Cabinet' is the second installation that is part of 'The Palace of Typographic Masonry'. 'The Asemic Cabinet' is part of Radicale Sociale Animale Talen in the Cobra Museum of Modern Art, which opened the 27th of May.
MAY 21 2017

"Concours International d'affiches / International Posters competition. Le Signe remercie très chaleureusement les participants au concours, les jurys et le public de la Biennale! Le Signe thanks all the participants, the juries and the public! 1er prix / 1st prize: Ralph Schraivogel (CH), 2ème pric / 2nd prize: Pierre Vanni (FR), 3 ème prix / 3rd prize : Richard Niessen (NL)"
MAY 06 2017

"Etant donné un mur, que se passe-t-il devant?" and "Étant donné un mur, sur quoi est-il construit ? Des milliers morts, des monceaux de gravats et le mouchoir de ma grand-mère."

A collaboration between  Marie Nimier & Richard Niessen. To be seen at Quai Lamblardie and Rue du Lac in Le Havre.
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MARCH 31 2017

The flags are out for 'Play as Protest' in the Conversation Room of the Palace of Typographic Masonry: to find out more about the role of art and design in ‘the engagement against all the forms of destructiveness and oppression that man inflicts on man’ Carrie Pilto talks about Enrico Baj, and Andrea Punk about the vision of anarchists in art. Introductions by Richard Niessen and Rutger van Ree. 

DECEMBER 11 2016

Kees Maas delivered this silkscreen print (in day glow red, silver and dark blue) today. A poster for 'Orville' that will be used as artwork for his CD/LP. Each song is a paper plane flying around Orville's signature...
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NOVEMBER 25 2016

The banner is announcing the exhibition 'Nomadic Traces'. Opening on the 16th of December at Dar Bellarj in Marrakech. Curated by Huda Smitshuijzen Abi Fares. I did the exhibition design (Tifinagh totems!) and the publicity material.
NOVEMBER 04 2016

Book launch 1:1:1 Documentaries in print by Niessen & De Vries. Friday 4 November, 16:00 – 20:00. With mini-exhibition, music, cocktails and soup. In Nautilus Expobar, Zeeburgereiland.
OCTOBER 10 2016

"La Signe", National Center of graphic design in Chaumont opens to the public October 8, 2016 with an inaugural exhibition, "The Collection", which celebrates the poster collections of the city of Chaumont.
OCTOBER 03 2016

During '53 Routes' the installation 'A Hermetic Compendium of Typographic Masonry' was on show in La chapelle des calvairiennes in Mayenne (F).
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AUGUST 24 2016

A print sheet (printed by Kees Maas) full of fantastic Enkabe supermarket slogans taken from Bas Oudt's collection of leaflets from 1978. This sheet will be part of a commemorative 'paper tombstone' to celebrate Bas Oudt's (Jakarta, 1956 – Amsterdam, 28 september 2014) 60th birthday (this sunday). 
AUGUST 11 2016

The 9 different issues of 1:1:1, like this one, or this one  are ultimately collected and bound by Boekbinderij Patist into the publication '1:1:1 documentaries in print by Niessen & de Vries'. The 33 boxes arrived yesterday and will be distributed soon.
JULY 25 2016

The Masonic Lobby is mentioned on the AIGA's website as of the 5 'Best Rule-bending Designs Spotted at the Brno Design Biennial'.
JUNE 27 2016

The Palace of Typographic Masonry at the International Exhibition, 27th Biennial of Graphic Design Brno.
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JUNE 15 2016

Students of the Staatliche Akademie der Bildenden Künste Stuttgart visiting the studio at the Weesperzijde two days before we're moving to the Eef Kamerbeekstraat 1020.
MAY 19 2016

Flag production at W139. Artists go first!
MAY 19 2016

On June 17th we will be moving to our new address: Eef Kamerbeekstraat 1020, 1095 MP Amsterdam.
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MAY 11 2016

1:1:1 #09 with Jennifer Tee is out now. Printed in 5 pms colors on IBO one 60 grs paper sponsored by Igepa.
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MAY 09 2016

Presentation of all 9 issues of 1:1:1 at Igepa's 'Dag v/h boek', 16:00, May 12,  Biezenwei 16, Tiel. 1:1:1 is a series of 'documentaries in print' about Melanie Bonajo, Jennifer Tee, Gabriel Lester, Joris laarman, Scheltens & Abbenes, Klavers Van Engelen, Eylem Aladogan, Metahaven and David Jablonowski.
APRIL 19 2016

Back from another US trip with a talk at Cooper Hewitt and a talk and workshop 'The Atrium of the Inhabitable Serif' at MICA, Baltimore.
APRIL 10 2016

Print work for 'De agenda van de Rijksbouwmeester', a book in which Floris Alkemade unrolls his vision on his function as Rijksbouwmeester (national architect). 
APRIL 03 2016

One constellation of 'A Hermetic Compendium of Typographic Masonry' is on show at the Parellel International Exhibition within the 7th Edition of the Sharjah Calligraphy Biennial, 6th April - 6th June 2016, in Sharjah.
MARCH 24 2016

Four Palace posters are on their way to Brno's Biennial, to be part of the International Exhibition. The International Exhibition will be focused on graphic design projects in a scope corresponding to small sets – editions, visual identities or long term collaborations – in other words examples of a consistent approach spanning a range of applications, media and techniques. The intention is to present a coherent selection of projects represented in their entirety and by doing so to enable deeper insight into the profession of graphic design. 
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MARCH 17 2016

Two day workshop and lecture at LSU in Baton Rouge. 'Von Wersin's Kitchen' is part of The Palace of Typographic Masonry.
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MARCH 08 2016

1:1:1 #08 with Melanie Bonajo is out now! Printed with a colored silver and 4 fluorescent pas colors on wood free mc satinated.
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FEBRUARY 24 2016

Testprinting a flag for W139 at ZEEBRA in Ede.
FEBRUARY 22 2016

Jennifer Tee's 'The Soul in Limbo' is selected as one of the best Dutch and Flemish book designs 2015: "the books that jury has selected distinguished themselves conspicuously by their editorial choices, graphic design, treatment of images and text, choice of material and technical workmanship."
FEBRUARY 17 2016

The Cooper Hewitt museum asked me to design graphics for the museum's elevator. Based on the 'Several Rulers of Beauty' poster that is part of the Palace of Typographic Masonry I made a composition with 7 of them: extravagant, intricate, ethereal, transgressive, emergent, elemental, and transformative, the themes of the 'Beauty' exhibition.
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FEBRUARY 10 2016

After years of preparation, development and building... the mixed use building Nautilus is almost finished. We will move towards the Zeeburgereiland in May or June. Our new address will be: Eef Kamerbeekstraat 1020, 1095 MP Amsterdam.
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FEBRUARY 10 2016

On view February 12, 2016 through August 21, 2016 in the Cooper Hewitt museum. Beauty—Cooper Hewitt Design Triennial is the fifth installment of the museum’s signature contemporary design exhibition series. With a focus on aesthetic innovation,
Beauty celebrates design as a creative endeavor that engages the mind, body, and senses. Curated by Andrea Lipps, Assistant Curator, and Ellen Lupton, Senior Curator of Contemporary Design, the exhibition features more than 250 works by 63 designers and teams from around the globe, and is organized around seven themes: extravagant, intricate, ethereal, transgressive, emergent, elemental, and transformative...
FEBRUARY 10 2016

...and I just received the catalogue of this exhibition, designed by Kimberly Varella
DECEMBER 31 2015

The second-year students of the Graphic Design programme at the Royal Academy of Art have constructed a ‘Labyrinth of Scripts’ in the Palace of Typographic Masonry. Each of the 40 rooms, which are all interconnected, is devoted to a single writing system. Moving through the Labyrinth, you actually travel along a multitude of tracks in time and space.
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DECEMBER 07 2015

Back from a short workshop in Luzern where I was invited by Ralph Schraivogel, one of my graphic role models.
DECEMBER 07 2015

Two balcony railings for good friends Annius & Philomeen. The text 'Alles van waarde is weerloos / wordt van aanraakbaarheid rijk' (Lucebert) is set in a 'boerenhekken' letter, once developed for an Ymere project (but never realized).
NOVEMBER 28 2015

Book launch of Jennifer Tee’s 'The Soul in Limbo' at Kunstverein in Amsterdam.
‘Listening to The Soul in Limbo’ November 29, 12–2 pm, with live music by Glenn Ryszko, octopus rice triangles & bloody caesars. Kunstverein is the proud host of the launch of artist Jennifer Tee’s Monograph ‘The Soul in Limbo’, published in conjunction with her winning the prestigious Cobra Art Prize Amstelveen, and her solo exhibition of the same title, held at The Cobra Museum of Modern Art (24 November 2015 – 21 February 2016.
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NOVEMBER 25 2015

Kees Maas printed the newest poster in the series 'The Palace of Typographic Masonry': Several Rulers of Beauty, for the Cooper Hewitt museum in New York, to be included in their 'Beauty' exhibition.
NOVEMBER 16 2015

Sebastian Bissinger just found that photo from his chimney (April 2008) while browsing through his archives. Vouwblad was one of my favorite projects.
NOVEMBER 16 2015

The Typojanchi poster in the exhibition inspired by it.
OCTOBER 29 2015

Kees Maas printed another poster for the Palace of Typographic Masonry: 'The Masonic Lobby' which was made for my lecture at Type Amsterdam.

I made one of the official Typojanchi Biennale posters with the theme "Typography + City". Printed at Lezard Graphique (where this picture is taken).
AUGUST 25 2015

'Het Magnetische Noorden', Het Theater Van De Tijdelijke Evacuatie in Nieuw Dakota. The absurd and surreal images of the Magnetic North by Sylvie Zijlmans and Hewald Jongenelis offer an optimistic and cheerful making response to the complexity of a gloomy era. 
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JULY 07 2015

Doug Kisor visited me with his Deprogram group.
MAY 22 2015

Rétrospective at "Portique 1" 3 rue d'Apres Mannevillette in Le Havre, including my poster of last year.
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MAY 21 2015

AGI @ What Design Can Do! The morning of 21 May features lectures with Rik Bas-Backer and José Albegaria (Change is good, Paris), Harry Pearce (Pentagram, London), Richard Niessen (Amsterdam), Joost Grootens (Amsterdam) and Alejandro Magellanes (Mexico City).Three afternoon breakout sessions examine aspects of great importance to our members: internationalism, idealism and brandism.
APRIL 28 2015

I am doing the design of the publicity for art project 'Het Magnetische Noorden'. First announcements on street lantern poles in Amsterdam Noord.
APRIL 13 2015

My Le Havre poster is part of the exhibition 'REGARDER, une collection d'art graphique contemporain'. 10 April - 6 September 2015, Poirel, Nancy, France. Organised by Vincent Perrottet
APRIL 05 2015

I wrote an article in Bulletin des bibliothèques de France (BBF), n°4/2015: MAÇONNERIE TYPOGRAPHIQUE Bâtir des communautés: TM-City et le Palais.
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MARCH 18 2015

Next episode in the series Palace of Typographic Masonry: 'The gate of Ciphers and Codes', part of a workshop that I will give at the Lebanese American University in Byblos, Lebanon, from 19-21 March.
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MARCH 17 2015

In the spring semester of 2015, the Visual Communication Institute of HGK Basel Lectures organizes a series under the title "PLAYFUL DESIGN METHODS":
11.03.2015: Julia Hasting, Zürich
25.03.2015: Richard Niessen, Amsterdam
22.04.2015: Gregor Huber & Ivan Sterzinger, Zürich
6.04.2015: Paul Cox, Paris 
20.05.2015: Ariane Spanier, Berlin
3.06.2015: Daniel Eatock, London
MARCH 07 2015

Silkscreen printed musical score, the output of 'The Rhythm Section', a workshop that is part of the Palace of Typographic Masonry. With the help of Toon Oomen 11 students from Boston (COMA Amsterdam Design Workshop 2015) composed a musical piece on snare, drum, cowbell, shakers, cimbals and hi-hat, silkscreen printed the musical score (with the help of Kees Maas) and performed the piece in front of the Rietveld Academy.
FEBRUARY 03 2015

Second poster in the series Palace of Typographic Masonry to announce the workshop 'Pavillons d'Honneur' in Bordeaux.
JANUARY 08 2015

Next spring we will move to the Zeeburgereiland. Yesterday we celebrated that the first pile is hit into the ground of the mixed use building Nautilus, where we will live and work.
DECEMBER 14 2014

(RE)DEFINING DESIGN is a group exhibition exploring international graphic design and artistic publishing; featuring both young and affirmed artists, the exhibition is a path through creativity, each artist representing an individual step towards (re)defining the meaning of creative professions. Artists: Lubok Verlag (DE), Niessen & De Vries (NL), Louis Reith (NL), Serena Piccinini (ITA), Melchior Imboden (CH), Geneviève Hergott (FR). 12-13-14 DECEMBER 2014, PALAZZO RE ENZO Piazza del Nettuno, 1/c BOLOGNA, ITALY

DECEMBER 01 2014

Some blogs wrote about A Hermetic Compendium: The Daily Heller, Typorn and Posterposter: "Let's get things straight. Richard Niessen’s work bounds to blow you out of this world. Not only because he specializes in delightful typographic compositions but also because he has this kind of work that reminds you of simply nothing. One can hardly find an ensemble of work that could stand visually parallel to his."
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NOVEMBER 20 2014

First step in creating the 'Palace of Typographic Masonry': a poster depicting the building bricks of the project.
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TRACES: 100 years Asger Jorn. This exhibition (or rather, set of exhibitions) at the Cobra Museum of Modern Art marks the hundredth anniversary of the birth of Asger Jorn (1914-1973), one of the founders of the CoBrA movement, the International Situationists (1957-1972) and other groups.

'We have moved!' New address: Weesperzijde 31 hs, 1091 ED in Amsterdam. 

Also Intramuros wrote about A Hermetic Compendium of Typographic Masonry in their latest issue.

Featured in Meggs' History of Graphic Design, the 'unrivaled, comprehensive, and award-winning reference tool on graphic design recognized for publishing excellence by the Association of American Publishers'.
JULY 04 2014

Le Havre is featured in Etapes number 220.
JULY 03 2014

We finally signed the contract with VINK Bouw, who is going to built the Nautilus building, starting in October! In spring 2016 we will live and work from the Zeeburgereiland.
JUNE 21 2014

A core component of Otis’ MFA Program, Design Week introduces students to the international design community. This year, Otis welcomes six recognized graphic design studios from four different countries (Richard Niessen, Amsterdam; Cox and Grussenmeyer, Antwerp; Type Radio, Rotterdam; Feixen Studio, Lucerne,; Project Projects, New York; Lava Design Agency, Amsterdam) who will host workshops over the course of the week and give one-collective lecture open to the public on the evening of Wednesday, June 18, 2014, at 7PM. 
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JUNE 12 2014

18 posters shown at Bijzondere Collecties in Amsterdam.
MAY 26 2014

For Dutch graphic designer Richard Niessen, the poster is a favourite means of expression. Posters don’t simply hang on walls – they can be piled up, cut out, turned around, or used as way finders or board games. Niessen freely constructs and deconstructs the visual environments, functions and codes inherent to the medium. This compendium of screen-printed posters not only reflects his work, but can be seen as a set of clues to unravel his universe. The interplay of the selected works forms three constellations of sign, symbol and ornament. According to the introduction by Tony Côme, “Language is a building game whose blocks Richard Niessen keeps trying to reinvent.”
APRIL 03 2014

Printing the catalogue of 'A Hermetic Compendium of Typographic Masonry' out in May, published by Franciscopolis.
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DECEMBER 17 2013

The poster Seven Rulers Tracing Board was designed as part of Richard Niessen's presentation (text in  Dutch) at a meeting of the Fund Creative Industy NL, held on December 17, 2013 at the Lloyd Hotel.
NOVEMBER 06 2013

Friday 15 november opens Le Petit Cobra, a small top restaurant in the Cobra Museum. Once a month, sometimes more often, they push chairs and tables between the walls full of art. Chef Cook Didier Besnard makes every week a new menu, graphic artist Richard Niessen has designed a unique range of tablecloths and menus.
JUNE 11 2013

This week opens the second exhibition of Anomaly's "Unfortunately The Small Gallery" with a (small) spatial installation of the Amsterdam designer Richard Niessen.
JUNE 01 2013

The poster Richard made for the Stimuleringsfonds-pitch got the 3rd prize in the International competition in Chaumont, France. The Funen poster and the Tijdelijk museum poster were also selected.
MAY 23 2013

Am kommenden Donnerstag, dem 23. Mai, ist der niederländischen Grafiker und Plakatkünstler Richard Niessen von ›Niessen & De Vries‹ unser Gast!
MAY 13 2013

Niessen & de Vries is part of Co-Lab: 37 students of the HKU on the future of the graphic design. The exhibition offers a kaleidoscopic overview of Dutch designers who, according to the students, represent 'graphic design 3.0'.
4 July 2013 - May 26, 2013
13:00 to 18:00, Academy Gallery, Minrebroederstraat Utrecht
MAY 10 2013

6,7,8 and 9 may Richard & Esther gave their workshop Ceremonial Homage at the Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University in Istanbul, the third in a series of three workshops in which students were asked to make a ceremony.
MAY 06 2013

The designer exhibition of Dutch Artists Richard Niessen and Esther de Vries will be presented at the “International Ä°stanbul Graphic Design Week” in Istanbul between 6-25 May 2013.Venue: Ark Kültür, Batarya Sok. 2 Cihangir, BeyoÄŸlu 

MARCH 06 2013

IdN was privileged to work with André Felipe of to produce this one-of-a-kind publication showcasing some of the genres design heavyweights and their love for type and design in a medium that speaks to our very souls. 
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FEBRUARY 26 2013

Richard just finished the identity of Van Breugel Art Projects. This poster is part of it.
FEBRUARY 07 2013

From 25 january until 1 february Richard gave a workshop at Calarts, in Valencia, USA. This was the first in the series of 3 workshops in which students were asked to make a ceremony.
DECEMBER 04 2012

"Loose Leaf is a hybrid format of publication and limited edition print series. It exists in the form of a collection of unbound and large-format printed art works. Published twice a year, Loose Leaf intends to present images in a physical, livable form, a distinct departure from the online consumption of visual material that pervades our lives." Contributors Edition 2: Jon Boam, Nicholas Alan Cope, Chris Dent, Justin Fantl, Vincent Fournier, Hiroshi Kan, NASA, Richard Niessen, Casey Reas, Youngsuk Suh
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NOVEMBER 01 2012

Schrank8 presents Niessen & de Vries
Opening Friday November 9th
17.00 - 20.00 hrs
NOVEMBER 01 2012

Dutch Design as an inspiration to China
Graphic Happiness in China brings together an overview of more than 40 Dutch designers, which includes 20 iconic figures of Dutch Design, such as: Dick Bruna, Wim Crouwel, Theo van Doesburg, and Anthon Beeke. Next to this, 24 Dutch contemporary design studios and designers will present their work in solo exhibitions: Autobahn, Irma Boom, Catalog Tree, Studio Dumbar, Edhv, Hans Gremmen, Hansje van Halem, Johann Kauth, KesselsKramer, René Knip, Harmen Liemburg, Loulou&Tummie, LUST, Metahaven, Studio Moniker, Niessen & de Vries, Pinar&Viola, RAW COLOR, Michiel Schuurman, Thonik, Trapped in Suburbia, Underware, Job Wouters, Zeloot (Eline van Dam). The exhibition aims to bring the inspiration and playfulness of Dutch Design to China, where the colourful and joyful works, will sparkle the mind and imagination.
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OCTOBER 25 2012

The TM-City poster, VOUWBLAD, the Stedelijk Museum 2005 annual report and the Stedelijk newyearscard of 2007 are on display in the Stedelijk’s first installation of its highly important collection of industrial design, graphic design and applied arts.
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The NAUTILUS and TM-CITY in Bern posters are in the Chaumont catalogue designed by Laurent Fétis and Sarah Martinon.
JUNE 29 2012

Temporary Museum breathes new energy into the former Shell tower in Amsterdam
With Sustainable art for people age 4 and up.
Address: Tower overhoeks (next the Film museum EYE), overhoeksplein 1, 1031 KS Amsterdam.

opening hours: 30th of June till 23th of September 2012.

Daily open from 10:00 – 17:00 (closed Mondays).

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APRIL 19 2012 is part of a yearlong curatorial research in which the writings of Danish artist and thinker Asger Jorn (1914-1973) built the starting point for exploring = contemporary issues – to be distilled throughout the research.
FEBRUARY 06 2012

Exhibition in GRAPHIC SHOP
The first exhibition of GRAPHIC #20 Poster Issue holds from 13-1-2012 to 24-2-2012 at GRAPHIC shop, PajuBookCity, Gyeonggi-do, Korea. 

JANUARY 12 2012

Part of the group show 'Grafisch Geluk' in Museum Hilversum. January 31st Niessen & de Vries will give a lecture there.
JANUARY 11 2012

Niessen & de Vries' Nautilus poster is part of Graphic #20, the poster issue.
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JANUARY 07 2012

TM-City will be on show from the 23rd of january untill the 23rd of march in the Hochschule der Kunste in Bern. Richard Niessen will give a lecture and a workshop in the 'Visit' program.
JANUARY 04 2012

'Be exuberant, be interesting', an article about Niessen & de Vries in 360 magazine.
OCTOBER 10 2011

INVITATION FOR 1:1:1 #04 at the Foam Café, Amsterdam
 We would like to invite you to the launch of the publication 1:1:1 #04 by Scheltens & Abbenes + Niessen & de Vries + Drukkerij Mart.Spruijt on the 23th of October, from 17.00 - 19.00 at the Foam Café, Keizersgracht 609, Amsterdam. Niessen & de Vries will give a short presentation about their collaboration.

Niessen & de Vries featured in Typographic Sketchbooks â€” the new book by Steven Heller & Lita Talarico (Thames & Hudson): page after page of stunning and inspiring sketchbook images from 118 of the world’s leading typographers and graphic designers

Marian Bantjes on Niessen & De Vries in the Guardian: Richard Niessen and Esther de Vries are Dutch designers and their work is really surprising and modern. They use a lot of geometric shapes and experiment with printing techniques. It's the kind of work that makes you pay attention: you can't glance at it, think "I get it" and move on. Sometimes you need to engage with it physically: they made a catalogue for an exhibition about nests and there were ways you could take the book apart and make a nest. It gives me a feeling of great optimism that there are people doing work like this.I think sheer imagination is relatively rare. A lot of very good graphic design is brilliant or clever or impactful – but not always delightful.Marian Bantjes's clients have included Wallpaper, the New York Times and the Guardian.
JULY 13 2011

Presentation 1:1:1 #03
Niessen & de Vries : Metahaven : Mart.Spruijt
Items Live, 13 July 2011
Pakhuis De Zwijger, Amsterdam, Grote zaal
JUNE 02 2011

Over papier (About paper)
Text by Esther de Vries, written for De Monsterkamer, a blog about paper for designers and paperlovers.
MAY 21 2011

Monozukuri formes d’impression
22nd International poster and graphic design festival of Chaumont
22 May to 5 June 2011
MAY 08 2011

“Typography in Contemporary Art” invites around 40 artists who deal with type and typography in their work. The exhibition includes a wide range of genres, such as drawings, book and paper art, photography, sculpture, multimedia, installation, graffiti and public art.
May, 8th – July, 17th 2011, Museum für Druckkunst

MAY 03 2011

Second issue of Inspiration. The five worlds of inspiration of De Bijenkorf all have their own typographical theme, with typographic images made by Hansje van Halem, Niels Meulman, Rene Knip, Niessen & de Vries and Ben Bos
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APRIL 04 2011

Pretty Ugly: an exhibition, a series of talks, an auction and a publication exploring the paradox of "designing the undesigned". Organised by the second year students of MA Communication Design at Central Saint Martins.
April 6th & 7th
at The Gopher Hole, London
MARCH 03 2011

1:1:1 #2 posters arrived from the silkscreen printer Kees Maas. 
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FEBRUARY 14 2011

Niessen & de Vries in a peer's eye view of today's design world. IdN Extra # 04 Most wanted, Hong kong
JANUARY 28 2011

«Kunstkammer, Représentation d’un cabinet d’amateur» par Manystuff. Du 28 janvier au 25 mars 2011. Vernissage le vendredi 28 janvier de 18h à 21h.. 12MAIL… a Red Bull Space, 12 rue du Mail, 75002 Paris. 
JANUARY 20 2011

The Way Beyond Art: Wide White Space
Presented by the CCA Wattis Institute for Contemporary Arts, January 20–February 5, 2011
JANUARY 15 2011

Connecting the Past and the Future
Overzicht uit de collectie met werk uit de 20e en 21e eeuw. Graphic Design Museum Breda, 15 januari - 29 mei 2011
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NOVEMBER 29 2010

Book launch
Jennifer Tee, Local Myths / Love Spells (2010)
Wednesday 1 December 2010, 20.00 hrs
Museum De Paviljoens, Almere
NOVEMBER 08 2010

5 nov - 30 dec 2010
Caballerofabriek, Den Haag
The exhibition will be a typographic explosion, more than 30 artist will show their skills.
OCTOBER 22 2010

Book Launch/Artist & Designer Talk

Jennifer Tee & Richard Niessen
Thursday 28 October Eastside Projects, Birmingham

The launch of the publication from Jennifer Tee's exhibition Local Myths at Eastside Projects, this event includes a talk between the artist and designer about their on going collaboration and other projects.
OCTOBER 15 2010

16-17 October 2010 Voltex, Toulouse
Two ways of looking at contemporary forms of publishing in art and design, by Hypertexte and Manystuff.
AUGUST 11 2010

An exhibition of work from graphic designer Richard Niessen of NIESSEN•&•DE•VRIES

Wednesday August 11, Presentation 5:30-6:15, Book Signing 6:30
William Stout Annex
678 Mission Street
San Francisco
JULY 08 2010

Eylem Aladogan : Niessen & de Vries : Drukkerij Mart.Spruijt
1:1:1 = a documentary series in print exploring reproduction and the rationale behind the works of artists and designers.
Thursday 8th July, 17:00 hrs, Nijhof & Lee, Staalstraat 13a Amsterdam (
JUNE 18 2010

On 18th of June the exhibition is going to be launched. A hundred posters will be displayed in the loft of Red October from 18 to 27 June.
More info here.
MAY 28 2010

Niessen & de Vries based their contribution to the exhibition Facade on the boardgame 'Snakes & Ladders', combined with the text 'In geouwehoer kun je niet wonen'.
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MARCH 05 2010

"Niessen & de Vries designed a special box for the drawing and the etching of Adam and Eve by Rembrandt van Rijn (1638).
It was made in collaboration with Raf Snippe for the Prentenkabinet of the University of Leiden. The box brings together the forestudy and the etching in which Rembrandt depicts Adam and Eve in an unorthodox way. The designers focussed on the mirroring image of the etching technique and the ambiguous scene using the two-part typeface Bifur (1929) by A.M. Cassandre in contrary relief, with parts in apple wood. The box with the art works is now shown in a small exhibition in University in Leiden."
JANUARY 23 2010

To mark the 20.000th issue of the daily newspaper "Trouw", Niessen & de Vries were asked to design a special cover for the newspaper to commemorate this occasion.
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MAY 28 2005

In 2003 and 2004, Richard Niessen designed the monthly posters of Perdu, an Amsterdam-based literary foundation specialising in poetry and the crossovers between literature and other art forms, where they all hung together.